About Me

I have been there, and you are not alone…
I was at that place where trauma impacted all areas of my life, including how I saw
myself and other individuals, how I related to others and expressed my emotions,
and how I felt in my body. Trauma affected my sense of safety in relationships and
made me feel alone and helpless.
As a trauma survivor, I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom and not know how to get up. I have been ready to quit many times and looked desperately for a way to get off the merry-go-round of life and find some sense of grounding. I have cried, screamed, and been in absolute disconnect from my soul. I fought to keep from sinking, and even then, I could not help myself out of the darkness I had encountered. The more I tried to get out, my anxiety and sadness grew. I needed help and finally got to the end of trying to do life on my own and cried out for assistance.
My heart was hard, fractured repeatedly for so long by instances of betrayal and a lack of trust in myself and life. My thoughts confused me, and I did not know the truth from a lie. Some researchers say mindset is 85% of what we do, but I cannot entirely agree, it is the crux of ALL that we do, and it all begins with forgiveness and gratitude. My perspective changed when I started forgiving myself, forgiving those who had hurt me, and giving thanks. My feelings were different, and I was finally able to discover the root cause of the bitterness, failure, and deceit I had been harbouring for so long.
Admitting that one needs help is the first step to recovery. And as someone who has experienced trauma, you will have to make choices to create that life.
Blooming in Freedom is a safe space, empowering and strengthening women and men who are being held prisoner in their minds and body. You are destined to be
whole, at peace, and thrive in more ways than you can imagine.
Let me come alongside you to support and spur you on through your healing
process. No matter where you are on your recovery journey, you do not have to do this alone. As a Trauma and Life coach, it is my mission to walk alongside you as you unpack what has happened in your life, how it has affected you, and what you want for your future.
If you are ready to grow in your recovery journey, I am here to help. Regardless of
who you are, what you have done, or what you have been through, you deserve to Bloom in Freedom.